Welcome to Ben's Place

We all came from Ol' Ben Duncan and we know where we're going! It should be obvious by our family moto "Learn to Suffer", now I ask you, who would put that on his family. Reminds me of a "Boy named Sue!" The modern family is based around Retha Duncan, my grandmother. If you are a Duncan and wish your pictures to be here, Please e-mail Bill Duncan
Most pictures are from the Duncan archives, Pireway, NC., unless otherwise noted.
Thanks Tommy for the tartan.

Grandmother Duncan
Lola Retha Duncan daughter of Henry Long
Below is Alton Edward Duncan

The Duncan Family
Major, Ginny and the boys

Orb, Alton and Hustler (photo courtesy of Daisy Duncan)

Grandmother Retha in her early years. This a postcard picture, which has a note to Alton on the back. It must have been true love. Grandpa Alton died in 1957 and almost 30 years later Retha died. During that time she had her family, Charles, Homer, Tom, Pete, Jimmy, Verge, Mag, and Virginia. Most important to her was her Church (LDS) work, and her garden. (thanks to Mrs. Vera Brunjes for giving The Duncan Archives this photo)





Grandma Retha loved all her children and grandchildern with the same love she had for Alton.
Below is a picture of her and my children, her Greatgrand children

Below is one of the many cookouts the family has each year

That's Grandma behind Uncle Homer.
It would seem like cooking runs in the family.

These are the local Children and grandchildren. A grandduaghter in law Barbra Jenkins is
on the right behind Aunt May. That's Matt and Riley-Ann on the right front.
(picture courtsey of LaVar Jenkins)

More of the Duncans (click here)